
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snip Snip Snip

The Underground is reporting the following UFC fighters recieved their walking papers this week:

Shane Nelson
Kevin Burns
Edgar Garcia
Darill Schoonover (Returned to active duty in U.S. Army)
Marcus Jones (Retired from MMA after Ultimate Finale loss)

The only one that surprises me out of these cuts is Edgar Garcia. Yes, Garcia went 0-2 in his 2 UFC fights. But his first loss was a controversial split-decision to Brad Blackburn, which many belive should have gone Garcia's way. He then got caught in a 1st-round triangle choke in a fan-favorite fight against DaMarques Johnson at UFC 107. However, the UFC roster is a revolving door for those on the bottom of the ranks and you have to win to stay. Garcia is a young fighter at 25 and could make his way back to the UFC soon with a few wins in outside promotions. I would imagine the UFC may take another look at him if they are serious about their Mexico City ambitions as well.

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